- In the UN the US and USSR each had the right to veto
-everyone had to agree to action (in the Security Council)
-no same meaning of justice
-UN turned into a debating place
-Did pass the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (pg 160)
Section 2:
-At first the US officials were confident they would beat USSR
-CIA established
-Government officials were learning to lie
-CIA growing and advancing
-They did not really have any constraints (on what the CIA could do)
-Kennan was beginning to regret his recommendation
Section 3:
- Various Presidents have lied ex:Kennedy Bay of Pigs (most ambitious convert operation at that time), Eisenhower and the U-2 planes
-Rumors of American involvement in Guatemala and Iran
-Debates about the ethics of espionage
-Johnson thinks the way to win the Cold War is to stay in Vietnam . Postpones deciding between the "great society" and the Vietnam War
Section 4:
-Nixon made the homeland the Cold War battleground (took a bad situation... and made it worse)
-Bombed Cambodia (did not explain publicly)
- Chile taken over by Allende. Nixon tells the CIA to try and destabilizes and overthrow Allende
-"Credibility gap" Nixon and Johnson
-"plumbers" Nixons group. They were involved in Watergate.
-August 9, 1974 Nixon resigned
Section 5:
-Nixon's behavior made the Congress start to take back power
-Watergate weakened the President
-CIA had broken the law
-New group set up to look into the CIA abuses
-Pinochet now in power (Allende dead).
-Pinochet is an evil dictator (US acted same way they did with Iran and Guatemala)
-Lots of internal distrust in the US
Section 6:
-White House, CIA, and the Pentagon are not above the law
-Détente was created to lower nuclear risk, and encourage Cold War relationships
-legitimacy is not justice (Kissinger)
-US did not violate human rights like some other countries
-Nixon had begun to support domestic stability inside the USSR
-USSR wants emigrants to pay to leave
Section 7:
-Breshnev wants to control EVERYTHING
-Khrushchev said that Lenin and Stalin hurt more people than they liberated
-"double life" people in the USSR publicaly pretend to follow Marxist/Leninist doctrine, but not in private
-Breshnev wants NATO to ratify post WWII division, recognize Soviet control in Eastern Europe (there are conditions laid out by NATO, (Helsinki agreement)
Section 8:
-Helsinki agreement passed
-liability because of the leaked comments
-Various people think Ford and Kissinger abandoned human rights
-Ford messed up in a Presidential Debate. Denied that the SU dominated Europe, he was supposed to deny the existence of the "Sonnenfeldt Doctrine" (ensured Carter's election)
-Helsinki became a moral and legal trap
-Havel went to prison
-Pope went through Poland (his homeland)