Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gaddis Chapter 6:

Part 1:
- the age of actors
- Soviet-US relations were less volatile in the late 1960's and early 1970's- this was a big accomplishment because the risk of escalation was much greater
-détente sought to freeze the Cold War in place, it sought to establish rules it would be conducted
-The foundation of détente was NOT stable, it required support from below
-détente denied equal opportunity, except in annihilation

Part 2:
-centerpiece of the détente was he Soviet-American effort to limit the arms race
-SALT I (signed by Brezhnev and Nixon) signified the US acknowledgment that the USSR was its equal in nuclear capabilities, legitimized the logic of Mutual Assured Destruction, also signified that both countries recognized that a continuing arms race would only make them less secure
-SALT had imbalances, it evaded issues
-SALT II was a round of negotiations that sought to reduce the manufacturing of nuclear weapons, it was a continuation of SALT I. SALT II was less successful (because it was more of an open process than the first)
-Carter wanted to fix things: he called for reductions in the strategic arms and initiated direct correspondence with Sakharov, and by receiving dissidents at the White House (SALT II put on hold)
-Brezhnev in poor health
-New types of missiles (pg 202)
-Carter and Brezhnev signed a complex treaty as a result of SALT II in Vienna
-USSR invades Afghanistan

Section 3:
-Basic Principles--> Nixon and Brezhnev promised that their countries would seek to avoid efforts to obtain unilateral advantage at the expense of the other
-Not followed
-Sadat (Nasser's successor) sought to gain a relationship with the US and loose the one with the USSR
-When Kissinger and Nixon ignored him he attacked across the Suez. US stepped in (pg 204), they would not let someone who had diminished Soviet influence be humiliated.
-this showed that détente was fragile/shaky
-it damaged the trust between the leadership of the two countries
-Somalia ( pg 207)
-1978 Marxist coup in Afghanistan (Moscow shocked), resulted in the overthrow of the pro-American government. Same time as the Iranian Revolution
- At first Russia says they won't intervene..then they change their minds
-However, the leadership in Kabul fell into near civil war
-Amin (who had contacts with the US) is in power
-Soviets ordered a full scale invasion
-SALT II stalled in the US Senate

Section 4:
-Détente had failed to halt the nuclear arms race, or to end superpower rivalries over the "third word"
-January 1980 Carter responded (embargoes, withdrew SALT II treaty, asked for more $ for defense, boycott Moscow Olympics, and denounced the invasion of Afghanistan)
-Carter said the invasion was a threat to peace
- oil falls, protests
-USSR is incapable of efficient and important strategizing=NO STRATEGY

Section 5:
-Deng is taking over for Mao, Margaret Thatcher is the first woman Prime Minister of Britain, Reagan now President (faith, fear, and self confidence), Pope John Paul II, Lech Walesa. All important/ influential people.
-Reagan used language. He believed the only way to end the Cold War was to kill détente
-Plot to kill Walesa, Pope John Paul is shot
-Politburo decided not to intervene in Poland
-end of the Brezhnev doctrine, USSR not willing to use force to preserve its sphere of influence in Eastern Europe
-However, they convinced the new polish leader that they were about to intervene
-Because of this the new leader imposed martial law and imprisoned the organizers of solidarity

Section 6:
- Bush Senior is Reagan's VP
-Reagan is shot and almost killed
-Reagan made a bold prediction that the USSR was in its last stages, he then reminded his audience that "regimes planted by bayonets do not take root" (echoed Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech)
-Reagan used religion
-Afghanistan had become a bloody stalemate, oil prices were plummeting
-martial law had clamped a lid on reform in Poland but had fueled resentment there and elsewhere in Eastern Europe
-Brezhnev dies, Andropov new head
-Reagan thought the main problem with détente was the idea that the USSR had earned geopolitical, ideological, economic, and moral legitimacy as an equal to the US and the other western countries in the post WWII international system c
-Reagan's most significant deed=refused to accept the concept of Mutual Assured Destruction
-Stability is important in Soviet-American relations.
-Strategic Defense Initiative questions anti- Ballistic Missile treaty (SALT I)
-Reagan wanted to someday eliminate nuclear weapons
-Able Archer Crisis (pg 227-228)
-Reagan re-elected

Section 7:
-Gorbachev is the new ruler (new type of ruler)
-knows the USSR needs to change
-wants to get rid of nuclear weapons:-USSR and US have a common interest
-has interactions with Reagan, trust is being created
-G and R signed a treaty to dismantle all intermediate range missiles in Europe
-Reagan tried to convince Gorbachev that the USSR was a lost cause
-USSR withdraws troops from Afghanistan
-Gorbachev made a speech to the UN General Assembly in 1988, he stated that the SU would unilaterally cut its ground force commitment to the Warsaw Pact by half a million men
-Gorbachev made it clear that the "door was now open"

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Gaddis Chapter 5:

Section 1:
- In the UN the US and USSR each had the right to veto
-everyone had to agree to action (in the Security Council)
-no same meaning of justice
-UN turned into a debating place
-Did pass the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (pg 160)

Section 2:
-At first the US officials were confident they would beat USSR
-CIA established
-Government officials were learning to lie
-CIA growing and advancing
-They did not really have any constraints (on what the CIA could do)
-Kennan was beginning to regret his recommendation

Section 3:
- Various Presidents have lied ex:Kennedy Bay of Pigs (most ambitious convert operation at that time), Eisenhower and the U-2 planes
-Rumors of American involvement in Guatemala and Iran
-Debates about the ethics of espionage
-Johnson thinks the way to win the Cold War is to stay in Vietnam . Postpones deciding between the "great society" and the Vietnam War

Section 4:
-Nixon made the homeland the Cold War battleground (took a bad situation... and made it worse)
-Bombed Cambodia (did not explain publicly)
- Chile taken over by Allende. Nixon tells the CIA to try and destabilizes and overthrow Allende
-"Credibility gap" Nixon and Johnson
-"plumbers" Nixons group. They were involved in Watergate.
-August 9, 1974 Nixon resigned

Section 5:
-Nixon's behavior made the Congress start to take back power
-Watergate weakened the President
-CIA had broken the law
-New group set up to look into the CIA abuses
-Pinochet now in power (Allende dead).
-Pinochet is an evil dictator (US acted same way they did with Iran and Guatemala)
-Lots of internal distrust in the US

Section 6:
-White House, CIA, and the Pentagon are not above the law
-Détente was created to lower nuclear risk, and encourage Cold War relationships
-legitimacy is not justice (Kissinger)
-US did not violate human rights like some other countries
-Nixon had begun to support domestic stability inside the USSR
-USSR wants emigrants to pay to leave

Section 7:
-Breshnev wants to control EVERYTHING
-Khrushchev said that Lenin and Stalin hurt more people than they liberated
-"double life" people in the USSR publicaly pretend to follow Marxist/Leninist doctrine, but not in private
-Breshnev wants NATO to ratify post WWII division, recognize Soviet control in Eastern Europe (there are conditions laid out by NATO, (Helsinki agreement)

Section 8:
-Helsinki agreement passed
-liability because of the leaked comments
-Various people think Ford and Kissinger abandoned human rights
-Ford messed up in a Presidential Debate. Denied that the SU dominated Europe, he was supposed to deny the existence of the "Sonnenfeldt Doctrine" (ensured Carter's election)
-Helsinki became a moral and legal trap
-Havel went to prison
-Pope went through Poland (his homeland)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Deng Xiaoping:

After Mao did there was a power vacuum, this was because there was no clear way to choose the next leader. When Mao died the different people began to compete for power. One of the groups was called the Gang of Four, they were Maoists (one of the, Jiang Qing, was Mao's wife). There was also a moderate named Deng Xiaoping. A few short months after Mao died the Gang of Four were arrested and tried for their crimes.

The Four Modernizations was a program of economic reform. The program included agriculture, industry, science and technology, and national defense. Under Deng the economy made significant gains, mainly because of agriculture. He got rid of communes and introduced some elements of capitalism. His industry changes focused on three themes: weakening central planning, the introduction of material incentives, and the use of market-related pricing policies.

In 1989 thousands of Chinese went into Tiananmen Square in support of Democracy. When the demonstrators refused to disperse the government declared Martial Law and threatened to use the military (for several weeks nothing happened). However, on June 3rd army units stormed the Square, it quickly turned into a massacre. Under Deng China became much less isolated, and began to allow foreign investors and relations with other countries.

(Deng and Brezhnev) During the 1970's Sino-Soviet relations were hostile. China was not happy when the Soviet Union signed a mutual defense treaty with Vietnam (directed towards China). Relations reached the lowest point when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. Soviet desire to have more influence in Asia. In 1982 Soviet Union began to want better relations with China.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gaddis Chapters 4:

Section 1:
-End of colonialism
-WWII exhausted colonialism
-By the end of 1949 the Soviet-American contest for Europe had become a stalemate. Created temptations to exploit opportunities elsewhere.
-When Japan won the war against Russia it showed that the Europeans did not always win
-Domino theory- by Eisenhower
-Both the US and the Soviets had worries (123)

Section 2:
-non-alignment (don't commit to any side)
-Smaller countries given leverage over US and USSR
-Nasser neutral
-Nehru non aligned (going against US and Pakistan)
-Aswan Dam project (127)
-Suez crisis- almost broke up NATO
-Being a Cold War super power did not mean you got what you wanted

Section 3:
-Small countries could advertise a propensity to topple
-Korea is still chaotic after the war
-Korea played the system
-Weak countries have some say over the strong
-Taiwan got a treaty that bound the US the the defense of Taiwan
-US killed Diem (South Vietnam) after putting him in power
-Kennedy was killed 3 days after Diem in 1963
-deteriorating situation in South Vietnam
-Johnson did not want a war in vietnam

Section 4:
- Germany
-West- Konrad Adenauer (US worried he would loose the election..that would be bad)
-East-(leader Ulbricht), faced a defeat of an entire regime
-Ulbricht had the ability to blackmail the Soviets
-Ulbricht did things without the OK from Khrushchev (even saying that a wall could someday go up)
-Kennedy said he was willing to defend West Germany at the risk of Nuclear War
-The wall showed that the USSR allied itself with a weak ally
-Germany determining everything

Section 5:
-Charles de Gaulle and Mao Zedong were the most difficult allies.
-de Gaulle did a lot of bad things (including criticizing the American escalation in Vietnam, and withdrew France's military cooperation within NATO. Made NATO headquarters have to move (Paris to Brussels)
- Washington responded, De Gaulle realized he needed to try and reconcile. US has to put up with him
-Mao had defended Stalin but Khrushchev discussed Stalin's mistakes
-Mao used the Great Leap Forward to try and create unity in China
-smaller powers could be strong because they could threaten to tip to one side, making both countries want to help them (so they go to their side)
-Strong personalities
-Superpowers sought to reassure small
-disappearance of fear

Section 6:
-Demonstrations in both East and West Germany (problems)
-in the US there was opposition to the Vietnam War
-Nixon President
-Bobby Kennedy, and MLK Jr. killed.
-"we live in an age of anarchy" -Nixon
-Baby boomers coming out in force, Youth
-Student growth
-Mao's cultural Rev---Violent, re-education

Section 7:
-Nixon and Mao had some similar interests (150-151), but little communication between the two
-Soviet Union and China fighting on border, Mao does not know what to do

Section 8:
-USSR unsettled when Nixon and Mao met
-People unhappy in USSR
-USSR seek détente with US-would ensure continued stability of the Soviet Sphere of Influence in Eastern Europe
-Ostpolitik- create geopolitical stability
-new strategy of containment
-Nixon re-elected (at this time looked like he did well, but soon will collapse ex: watergate)

Gaddis Chapters 4:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Gaddis Chapters 3:

Section 1:
- Soviets had a big boom, but they they went down....and eventually ceased to exist.
-end of the Cold War meant the end of the Soviet Union
-Marxism was a focus on the lower/working class
-WWI showed that capitalists did not know how to maintain peace
-Wilson's 14 points

Section 2:
-Lenin's position was an extension of Marx's
- Wilson's own countrymen failed to join his creating (the League of Nations)
-US and the other remaining democracies made little effort to prevent Japanese aggression in Manchuria
-Stalin carried out a Rev. (by collectivizing agriculture, and purging those who opposed him).
-Power of government had expanded under F.D.R.

Section 3:
-US attitude change
-Pearl Harbor shattered the feeling that distance created security
-Hitler declared war on the US four days after Pearl Harbor
-The leaders had different ideas (contest of ideas), the ideas were stated in three speeches
-"There are, in short, two worlds instead of one"

Section 4:
-Both of the ideologies were meant to offer hope
-However, the USSR had come to depend on fear
-Stalin purged those who opposed him
-"a culture of brutality within the Soviet Union"
-Stalin's objective was retribution
-When one of Stalin's East European satellites threatened independence he dealt with the leaders in the same way he handled the people in his own country

Section 5:
- America had to show that communism suppressed freedom, and capitalism could sustain freedom
- New goal in 1947: keep the industrial-military facilities of former advisories from falling under the rule of the USSR
-underlying basis of US gov. is hope (not fear)
-Marshall plan came in, jump start European economies= restore self confidence, prosperity, and social peace by democratic means
-Lenin's gov came down to a "system that perverted reason, smothered trust, and functioned by fear- but now they competed with capitalism"

Section 6:
-Cannot separate communism and Stalin
-There were a few people who tried to separate the two
-Creation of East and West Germany
-The first man who tried to separate the two got himself killed

Section 7:
- Khrushchev was the next person who tried to separate the two
-He wanted the USSR to admit its mistakes and errors, including Stalin's crimes, pulled down the facade
-He was fundamentally humane, and sincere
-Created problems for the international communist movement
-Polish took the lesson to heart... released political prisoners and removed Stalinists from positions of authority
-Led to riots, to stop them the Poles re instated Gomulka (without Khrushchevs ok)
- Khrushchev threatened to send troops
-Hungarians then mounted a rebellion (against the Soviet Union herself)
-Pressure from Mao made Khrushchev go in and crush the rebellion (worked)

Section 8:
-China played an important role
-Stalin showed Mao how to consolidate a communist revolution
-Mao had a different belief than Stalin. He believed peasants were the proletariat.
-Mao added to his industrialization and collectivization
-Mao's Great Leap Forward was a huge disaster

Section 9:
-Rest of the World not aware of what was going on in China
-Only the Cold War could have separated a city (Berlin)
-West Berlin was vulnerable, but East Berlin had its own vulnerabilities
-Lots of East Germans fled to West Germany (big problem for the Soviets)
-The Berlin Wall (1956(start building)-1989 (fall)) began as a barbed wire barrier, it then a concrete wall went up
-showed the failures of the communist system

Section 10:
-Other side of the wall capitalism was succeeding
-The capitalists would not fight against each other (Stalin was wrong)
-Unemployment, in West Germany, almost disappeared
-The Capitalists learned from history. They made mistakes, but correct them
-Human costs (USSR) were more horrendous than their economic failures
-Sign that went up on an E. Germany factory, after the fall of the wall, "to the workers of the world: I am sorry"
-Few examples in history where greater misery resulted from better intentions

Friday, February 26, 2010

Cold War Vocab

Truman Doctrine:
It provided political, economic, and military assistance to all democratic nations under threat from internal or authoritarian forces. Shows that the United States is not taking a isolationist stance, they can no longer stand by while the Soviet Union continues to expand its influence. Came about in a speech from President Truman. Beginning of the idea of containment.

Reagan denounced the Soviet Union and its ideologies. Said it was an "evil empire". He immediately built up the Military, Soviet Union did not respond- led to the largest peacetime defense buildup up in history. He helped to end the Cold War. Reagan agreed to renew discussions of on economic issues and the scaling back of the arms race. Signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty.

Middle East:
During the Cold War the Middle East was an area of extreme importance.
Suez crisis- a military attack on Egypt by France, Britain, and Israel. The attack followed Egypt's decision to nationalize the canal. The US threatened Britain and France if they did not withdraw, Khrushchev also threatened Britain and France (but they did not take him seriously).

Afghanistan war- In 1979 Soviet troops invaded Afghanistan. This prompted US President Jimmy Carter to withdraw the Salt II Treaty and impose embargoes on grain and technology shipments to the USSR. Demanded an increase in military spending, a announced the US boycott of the Moscow Olympics.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Gaddis Chapters 1-2:

Section 1:
-United States thrived after WWII, the Soviet Union did not (there were numerous differences between the two nations).
-Stalin felt that because Russia lost so much during WWII they should be compensated.
-United States had previously had isolation as a policy
-Stalin was the only original leader left after World War Two, of the Big Three.

Section 2:
-Stalin wanted Russian domination.
-He did not want any opposition. (Feared but worshipped)
-Wants land (old territories lost to Germans, and new territories)
-For the time being he needed cooperation from the US and Britain.
-He was a violent dictator who did not hesitate to use purges.
-He believed that history would repeat and Capitalists would fight each other

Section 3:
-had been naturally isolated because of geography
-Roosevelt had four great wartime priorities: sustain allies, secure allied cooperation in sharing the postwar settlement, new collective security organization, settlement sound have to be "sellable" to the American people.
-No reversion to isolationism.
-Britain wanted to simply survive, no matter the costs. Wanted a balance of power.

Section 4:
-During WWII Soviets were needed to create a second front (both political and military significance) (pg 19)
- Divided Europe into "spheres of influence", this included dividing Germany. (Britain, France, and the US shared the West and the Soviets got East Germany)
-leaders had different hopes
-US had little incentive to include Russia in the occupation of Japan (only US gets Japan)
-The common causes quickly diminished, meaning US and USSR do not have to work together.
-Beginning of arms race- bigger bombs (each side), US dropped atomic bombs on Japan. (Stalin knew about the bomb through spies)
-US starts the policy of containment: contain communism/Russia (came from Kennan's long telegram).
-Marshall plan- help rebuild Western Europe. (people would like Westerners more than the Russians)

Section 5:
-United States relied on the bomb to deter Russia
-China is communist, with USSR
-Sino-Soviet Treaty (each will aid the other in the event of an attack)
-McCarthy- pointing fingers at people (maybe you are a spy)

Section 6:
-Korean war
-Stalin urged North Korea to attack, this blatant attack brought US backing for S. Korea.

Section 7:
-BOMBS- man will be its own enemy

Chapter 2
Section 1:
- Nuclear war could get back
-advancements change the nature of war
-many dangers of total war
-Humans are violent

Section 2:
-Harry Truman is the only person to ever order an atomic bomb to be dropped
-Made it so the President is the only one with the decision to drop the bomb
-change in human behavior- If weapons can be used they will (changed this)

Section 3:
- Wanted Stalin to see the bombs ability
-Soviets get their own bomb in August of 1949

Section 4:
- US concerned with Chinese troops chasing S. Koreans
-US has many more weapons than Russia (about 74:1)
- Did not detonate a bomb because of the political costs and military situation (also what would they target)
-Korean war lasted another 2 years (only after Stalin's death did they reach a cease-fire, Stalin wanted the war to continue).

Section 5:
- SUPER-BOMB (both US and USSR), US testing obliterated a Pacific Island ,and the birds.
- US- if you can build one....do it!

Section 6:
- Can be no rational use of weapons of this magnitude in war
- New Leaders for US and USSR
-Eisenhower had an original different idea than Roosevelt (did not believe the nature of war had changed, thought nuclear weapons could be used)
-BRAVO American test (this showed the capacity of what many weapons could do, if just one could do that much damage)
-Nuclear Danger

Section 7:
- Eisenhower will only plan for total war
- his ideas are changing
-nuclear war changed the meaning of "total war"

Section 8:
-Khrushchev in power (USSR), does not want to use weapons
- He likes to threaten with things he does not have (ex-rocket weapons, Suez Canal crisis) (pg 70)
- Wanted the West out of Berlin, US says no
- He visited the US

Section 9:
- US spy plane, the U-2- made flight over Russia to look at the Weapons (was not legal, but Russia could not really do anything about it0
- confirmed that Russia did not have as many weapons as they said
-J.F.K takes office- many mishaps in his first months
- Called Khrushchev's bluff

Section 10:
- Russia sends missiles to Cuba
- Khrushchev is emotionally committed to Cuba
- Cuba is communist (without the help/urging of Russia)
- Each side positioning missiles facing the other side

Section 11:
- Kennedy wants to get rid of Nuclear War
- McNamara creates a new plan (some problems)
- Limited test ban= no more nuclear testing in the atmosphere (1963)
- Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty= banned all defenses against long-range missiles (1972)
- because of the fear of a horrible nuclear war one did not materialize

Section 12:
- Might be a book about the Cold War
- Nuclear Weapons made countries see that they each had a stake in each other's survival (each had the trigger, but now have to learn to live with this.