Monday, September 21, 2009

Mexican Rev: The punitive expedition

Zapata was not a good politician. Obregon came in and took over Mexico City, the city went through it darkest times. There was famine, and water shortages caused by the Zapatista blockade. Wheh Obregon moved out of the City Zapata's men came in and looted. There were three main men in Morelos, Zapata, Palafox and the new governor Genovevo de la O. Zapata worked off of two principles:
1. support village leaders against professionals
2. civilians come before the military
Next Gonzales entered the Capital. Woodrow Wilson recognized Carranza's government, this made Villa extremely angry. Both Zapata and Villa were forced to flee to the hills at different points throughout their lives. Because Villa was angry with Wilson he began and anti-gringo campaign and began killing americans, and attacked a few US towns. Wilson was urged by the congress to take action and enter Mexico. Wilson made a deal with Carranza about a US occupation in Mexico. Villa was badly wounded in a battle and was forced to flee to the hills for seven weeks. When he came out of hiding he found that one of his officers, Pablo Lopez, had been executed. Lopez became a martyr and was important in turning Chihuahuans against Carranza. Wilson was urged to move out of Mexico. He did not want to play into Germany's trap, if he entered a full out war with Mexico the US would not have been able to be involved with WWI. Eventually the US completely pulled out of Mexico.
The Zimmerman telegram was created by Arthur Zimmerman. It asked Mexico for an alliance. It asked Carranza to attack the US, this way the US would be preoccupied with Mexico rather than going into WWI and helping the allies. The telegram was intercepted and deciphered in Britain and passed on to the US. Only person to benefit during this time was Villa.

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