Sunday, November 8, 2009

Villa and Zapata: Epilogue

Obregon won the Presidency. Villa had four new ambitions (pg 386). Villa ran his estate on military lines. Obregon was always a capitalist. Obregon was for education, the Mexican realist movement (Rivera..) occurred during his presidency. Obregon was anti-clerical. As Villa got older he revealed himself as a man of the Right. Villa's first two years out of the public life he was only concerned with his tangled private life (women and their kids). For the next Presidential election there were two candidates, Obregon favored Calles. Obregon asked Villa to tell the press that he was not interested in running in the election. Villa gave a press interview but he did not do what Obregon wanted (to snub Obregon), he said he would either run himself, or give his support to de la Huerta. This greatly angered Obregon. Obregon began to think of how to kill Villa. Villa was assassinated. Calles became the President, de la Huerta fled to the US. During Calles' presidency there was a great deal of bloodshed. Meanwhile Obregon decided he wanted to be the President again. Obregon became a target for assassination attempts. Obregon was eventually killed in 1928. With Obregon the great leaders of the Mexican Revolution were gone forever.

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