Sunday, October 11, 2009

Keegan chapter 3 (Blitzkrieg):

Polish were not a good test of the German's capabilities. Case yellow was to ATTACK! it was for a western offensive..the plan was shelved and a new one was created it was called the Manstein plan. Reversal of the Schlieffen plan. The BIG German strength was their equipment, planes, tanks (Panzers)... The planes made a horrific scary noise (intimidate the enemy). The French army was still mainly a marching army, many divisions, not a lot of structure. They created the Maginot line, western front in concrete (not enough money to finish). The French had to prepare for a defensive battle. The German army had three divisions and a lot of structure. The dutch tried to be neutral. Germany attacked, quick defeat of the Dutch in a raid. British had almost ZERO armor. French would not give up! Hitler called for a halt on the advance. The Allies feared defeat and occupation. New prime minister (Churchill). MATERIAL weakness. Evacuation of Paris. Called the war of 1939-1940, no part of France had been spared, many people had been killed. German moral was WAY up! Churchill believed the Battle of Britain was soon to come.


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